
As 2021 moves into Spring, I feel hopeful as we cautiously move forward to address the lingering challenges from the previous year. Unemployment will decline, housing and food stability will settle, and people will resume activities of pre-pandemic days even if more cautious of their behavior. Within the insurance industry, we predict 4 key themes to be important.

  • Sales growth over profitability. Securing long-term revenue even if initially less profitable will be important to stabilizing the business.
  • Protect investments. As people begin use insurance again to address pre-existing and new conditions, coffers will begin to drain and investment strategies will need to evolve.
  • Internal cost containment. As hedge on 2021’s uncertainty, organizations will be more strategic than ever on technology investments. A lack of investment can cause long-term damage so cutting all discretionary spending will be a risky proposition.
  • Expedited M&A capabilities. Companies hungry to regain market share and those reeling from 2020 impacts will be ready to execute transactions and highly efficient M&A will be a key to delivering value.

We hope you are all doing well and look forward to supporting Aflac in its 2021 growth and evolving workplace transformation.

Todd Williams, Senior Vice President, Aflac Executive Partnership, Coforge

Case Studies

  • Business Challenge

    Multiple legacy systems across different countries, inconsistent and largely manual processes, and no single source of the truth.

    Coforge Solution

    Deploy an automated end-to-end claims process management solution that standardize processes and uses dynamic business rules.

    Benefits to Client

    Over 40 % improvement on the average time taken to settle & close a claim.

    Read More

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